Skupno število ogledov strani

petek, 14. marec 2014

62.objava: I´m different

Danes je naporen dan. Že sama selitev je bila naporna. Ni mi bilo všeč, da sem morala pustiti za sabo svoj kraj, dom, šolo in prijatelje. 
     Iz mestnega vrveža sem prišla v vasico, ki leži blizu meje s državo Hrvaško. Lepo je tukaj. Veliko narave. Tudi psa bom končno lahko dobila.
       Oče je dobil dobro službo, mama pa bo končno lahko imela svoj vrt.
       Za vse se je nekako izšlo. Le v novi šoli ni bilo ravno najbolje. Počutila sem sedrugačnonerazumljeno in nesprejeto.
       Vse se je pričelo s prihodom v razred. Učiteljica je bila zelo prijazna z mano. Predstavila me je razredu in me posedla zraven Petre. Prvo uro smo imeli matematiko, drugo uro slovenščino in tretjo uro smo imeli naravoslovje. Nato smo šli k malici. Vsi moji novi sošolci so jedli šolsko malico in zdelo se jim je čudno, ker je nisem jedla tudi sama. Ko so me vprašali, zakaj je ne jem, sem jim odgovorila, da smo v naši družini vegani. Nekateri med njimi so se mi posmehovali. Počutim se grozno, saj me nekateri čudno gledajo in se mi za hrbtom smejijo.
      Danes je bil zame grozen dan in zato bi ga najraje pozabila, vendar to ne gre kar tako. Rada bi bila sprejeta in imela prijatelje.
       V razredu sem opazila tudi deklico, ki je sedela sama.  Ko smo šli na malico, je tudi sama malicala. Ko sem nove sošolke vprašala, zakaj je sama, zakaj se nihče ne druži z njo, so rekle, da je čudna, ker se drugače oblači. Izvedela sem le, da ji je ime Mateja. Med malico se mi je nasmehnila. Meni se ne zdi čudna, le drugačna je.
       Po glavi mi rojijo vprašanja, na katera ne najdem odgovore.
Sem tudi jaz čudna, ker imam drugačne prehranjevalne navade? Je narobe, je čudno biti kakorkoli drugačen?
      Kaj naj naredim? Kako naj se spopadem s tem? Pomagajte mi.


I´m different      
Today is a rough day. It was not easy for me to move here in the first place. I wasn't happy to leave my home town, my home, my school and my friends.
        From the bustle and hustle of a big city I came to this small and quiet village, not far from the Slovenian-Croatian border. It is nice here. I like the nature and finally I can have a dog.
          My father has found a well paid job here and my mother is happy to have her own garden. Somehow everything has turned out good, except at school. I have felt ..different, unaccepted, not understood. 

It all started on my first day at school. My class teacher was very nice to me. She introduced me to the other pupils and suggested to take a seat next to Mojca. The first lesson was maths, the second Slovene, the third science and then we had a break. We went to the school canteen and all my schoolmates ate their snacks. Except me . They wondered why I didn't eat and I explained them I was a vegan. Some of them found it funny and they mocked me. I still feel terrible because some mates look down at me and laugh me out behind my back because of my eating habits.

           Today was a terrible and I wish I could forget it forever, but I know that's impossible. I wish I were accepted and I wish I had friends.
In my class there is a girl who is always alone. Even during the breaks she sits all alone in the canteen. When I asked my schoolmates why she was alone all the time, why didn't she have friends, they replied that she was weird because of the way she dressed. I could only find out that her name was Mateja.  She smiled at me during the break. I don't think she is weird; she is just different from the others.

There are so many questions I can't find an answer to.
Am I weird too because my eating habits are different? Is it wrong or weird to be different?
What shall I do? How can I cope with all this? Please help me.